Obec Boleráz

Art Associations


The ensembles children's folk music BREZINKA and folk music BREZINBrezinkaA focus on the restoration, dissemination and, above all, protection of traditional folk culture in its original image, in an effort to preserve its authentic model, based on ethnological research of the village.

founder - Mgr. Tibor Branch
management: PhDr. Lenka Pobiecka
year of founding DĽH Brezinka: 1990
year of founding ĽH Brezinka: 2007

Ľudovo - výtvarný krúžok MADERÁNEKmaderánek

management: Božena Pobiecka
year of ensemble foundation: 1997

Music ensemble PODZÁMOK

musical accompaniment:
year of founding the ensemble

Our village


Meniny má Edmund, Edna, Jorandus, Maura, Maureen

Zajtra má meniny Horace, Howard, Hubert, Winifred, Winnie, Winston


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Current weather

today, Saturday 2. 11. 2024
overcast clouds 11 °C 5 °C
Sunday 3. 11. scattered clouds 11/4 °C
Monday 4. 11. sky is clear 12/3 °C
Tuesday 5. 11. sky is clear 11/4 °C

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