The committee that works in the local SČK organization:
Rajnohová Anna - Chairman
Bukovská Viera - Vice-Chairman
Gážiová Anna - Member of the Committee for Social Activities
Kittová Ľudmila - Member of the Committee for Health Activities
Petranská Mária - Treasurer
Danišová Štefánia - Member of the Committee for Humanitarian Aid
Danišová Ľubomíra - Auditor
Dear fellow citizens,
On behalf of the MS SRC committee, I address you through this site, which is established in our municipality and I want to inform our citizens who are not members of the SRC or blood donors about the work of our organization.
It is a voluntary organization for which the whole committee works voluntarily and free of charge. We organize joint blood samples twice a year. We have a total of 145 free blood donors in the village . Donors go to donate blood individually as needed.
Our organization has 156 paying members who have SRC cards and pay membership stamps annually. The price of the stamp is € 2.00. Half of this amount remains in our local organization and half is paid to the Regional Association of the Red Cross Trnava. We also have many older members who no longer have to pay for stamps and belong to our ranks.
Our next job is to help with various events organized by the municipal office, e.g. burying the bass, building May, toasting for children, at football tournaments, we participate in brigades to beautify and renovate the cemetery and the surrounding area.
Together with the primary school, we also take part in the "Daffodil Day".
We also ask new donors who have not yet donated blood to join our ranks, because none of us knows when we will need this precious fluid. After joint donations, we make joint lunches for blood donors.
MsSČK Committee - Chairman Anna Rajnohová
Valuation of blood donors in Boleráz
Since In 2005 our donors received:
Bronze plaque - women 10 subscriptions, men 10 subscriptions: 43 donors
Silver plaque - women 20 subscriptions, men 20 subscriptions: 36 donors
Gold plaque - women 30 subscriptions, men 40 subscriptions: 26 donors
Diamond plaque - women 60 subscriptions, men 80 subscriptions: 1 donor (year 2006)
Kňazovického medal - women 80 subscriptions, men 100 subscriptions: 1 donor (year 2015)
All blood donors are preferred in the outpatient clinic of MUDr. Dvožáková. Donors and members of the SRC who take or will take a driving course must take a medical course at the SRC at Trnava and pay only half the amount.
Finally, dear fellow citizens, I would like to tell you that the members of the MS SČK committee will be helpful and you can contact us when you need advice or assistance. We work very well with the municipal office in our community, which also supports us financially, so that we have money for the events I mentioned, which we do mainly for blood donors. I believe that many of you will read these lines and write us your comments. In the end, the whole committee wishes you good health, donors good blood.