Obec Boleráz

Theater in the village

We do not have written reports on the beginnings of theater in Boleráz. What we know about this noble, instructive, educational and entertaining activity is its persistence and continuation.

"Before the First World War, teacher Ján Vanček excelled here as a director of children's and amateur theaters ," is the phrase, which is allegedly taken from the school chronicle. We cannot verify it, because no school chronicle was preserved before 1945. In addition to teacher Vanček, Emília Schronková , the wife of the school administrator, took part in rehearsals after the World War. In the 1920s, Štefan Minárik directed (and played in them) here. The thirties are symbolized by the establishment of the theater circle and thus the development of amateur activities. It was played in an inn with Barták and Jozef Kitt. Of the games of that time, we will mention at least Mahen's "Jánošík", then "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs", Stodolov's "Tea with the Senator" and, of course, there was also a collection of Urban's games from the village environment. In addition to the already mentioned theater performers, Anna Počuchová, Rudolf Špačinský, Anna Kormúthová, Blažej Daniš, Anton Dusík (also directed), Jozef Černý and Anton Udvornocký played. Rudolf Krištofík, Jozef Barčák and administrator Štefan Madygan, who designed the stage and painted the scenery, later signed the direction.

In the interwar period, they excelled in the roles of directors in Klčovany: Jozef Hlučil, Jozef Jankech, Arpád Plechlo and Izidor Lančarič. Similarly, in Boleráz, teachers rehearsed, directed and performed. It was played in an inn near Chmel and Ostatník. The biggest response was left by the games: "Bludár, In matches, Kamenný chodníček, Hriešnica, When the linden blooms, Kubo, Women's Law", and many others. The older generation consisted of: Michal Vavro, Vincent Vavro, Mária Kanovičová, Jozef Vavro, Martin Hucovič, Jozefína Hucovičová, Jozef Vavro, Martin Hucovič, Františka Miklošovičová, Jozefína Hucovičová, Mária Vlkovičová, Viliam Pristach, Mária Čúzyová, Mária Bar , Anna Adamcová (married Medová), Rozália Lukačovičová (married Black), Irena Petranská (married Belicová), Jozef Drdúl, Pavol Hucovič, František Drdúl, Michal Drdúl, Štefan Vrtoch, Vilma Nemečková and others. The younger amateur generation stood out: Františka Jurišová (married Autnerová), Libor Hucovič, Jozef Petranský, Pavol Minarovič, Alojz Petranský, Štefan Drdúl, Mária Hucovičová, Ján Drdúl, Viliam Juriš, Anna Pinkasová, Ernestína Drdúlová and others.

The generation of theatergoers at the end of the first Czechoslovak Republic and during the Slovak state in Boleráz consisted of: Vilma Čavarová, Veronika Sitárová, Mária Slamkova, Irena Vinterová, Emil Doboš, Emil Pinček, František Ostradický, Ernestína Pinčeková, Rudolf Čaniga, Ilka Pinčeková, Jozef Pinček and others.

The expansion of village theater activities occurred after the liberation and in the fifties. They were directed by Gregor Cút, pastor Žigmund Melichár and later also dean-pastor Ján Cársky. Among the games we will mention the following: "Court of the Badens, Kamenný chodníček, Bratova ruka, Rozmarín and Maryša". The individual characters were played by: Ján Doboš, Jozefína Portášová, Mária Polakovičová, Dezider Daniš, Terézia Nemečková, Vojtech Daniš, Jozef Daniš, Jozef Krajčovič, Mária Dobošová, Alojz Čavara, Štefan Čavara, Mária Kucharovičová, František Ostatník, Marián Hudec, František Danišov , Jozef Šuran, Terézia Sitárová, František Doboš, Ján Pinček, Anna Nemečková and others.

Children's theater has a long tradition in schools. Pupils presented themselves regularly during the Christmas period. In Boleráz, for example. in 1946 the play was "Smiling with Christmas" and a year later "I'm going to Santa". On April 19, 1953, high school students introduced themselves by Hans Christian Andersen's "The Snow Queen." Cast of main tasks: František Vitáliš, Veronika Vražičová, Mária Pastuchová, Anna Dvorská, Eva Dusíková, Alžbeta Jančovičová and Irena Kittová. Jozef Kátrik and Albert Moravčík signed the direction. The proceeds from the play were donated to buy a piano.

The cultural history of this area is also illustrated by the work of the teacher's theater circle. In 1956, for example. introduced the game "Maryša" by the Mrštikov brothers. At that time, the youth village ensemble presented itself with the play "Home is with us" and prepared "Incognito" and "On the Tail". Amateur teachers worked with great enthusiasm. In the school year 1958/59, they introduced Tyl's "Podpaľač's daughter" and Králik's "Mozoľovci". A season later, it was Egri's play "When the Limes Bloom." However, her "progressive" plot was unable to reach the home audience, which was reflected in low attendance. Erben's "Breweries", directed by teacher Mária Dobošová, were much better received.

In the 1950s, Boleráz theatergoers practiced a starch factory in the area, which supported them and went out of their way. Later they worked under the banner of enlightenment discussion. It was played in the inn "at Kitt's", later at school. The enthusiasm, acting and directing qualities of Viliam Hlbocký, a native of Šelpice, contributed to the development of local theater. In 1956, an amateur circle working with him at the starch factories, Jirásek's "Lampáš" stated. The main tasks were convincingly mastered by: Hedviga Juráková, Mária Kunetková, Mária Danišová, Jozef Černý and Pavol Hajtmánek. They also enriched the domestic scene with the Yugoslav play "Společný byt" and in 1962 it was e.g. game "Too Christmas Eve". Schiller's work "Treasures and Love" was a great success in 1963. Her heralds won the regional competition in Zelenec. Director Viliam Hlbocký entrusted the main roles to: Ján Rajnoh, Hedviga Juráková, Vojtech Daniš, Petrov Vražič, Pavel Hajtmánek, Mária Danišová, Mária Gôrogová and Michal Daniš. The musical backdrop was created by Ladislav Weisser. With this game, they successfully demonstrated the maturity of the domestic scene in the surrounding villages. It is not possible to name everything that has been studied in this small space. We will mention at least the year 1968, when the theater performed Barč-Ivan's "Mother", where Anna Vrtochová (married Hulíková) gave an unforgettable performance. The teachers: František Tóth, Viliam Fukna, Štefan Benkovský, Anna Nemečková, Mária Dobošová, Mária Moravčíková, Oľga Hureková, Mária Benkovská and Ladislav Weisser were also in charge of the music in Stodol's play "Our Lord Minister". When Barč-Ivanov's "Fat Pot" was introduced in 1969, Lope de Vega's stage work "Sheep Spring", whose philosophical statement is uncompromisingly directed against violence, has already been studied. The play premiered on March 15, 1970 and featured: Viliam Hlbocký (also directed), Peter Hlbocký, Ľudovít Hadri, František Tóth, Viliam Fukna, Anna Vrtochová, Pavol Hajtmánek, Rudolf Hostín, Alexander Sadloň and others.
In the context of theater, the early 1970s was associated with Erben's play "Brewers". Viliam Hlbocký entrusted the musical backdrop to Ladislav Weisser and cast: Petr Jurkovič, Marta Kráľovičová, Pavel Hajtmánek, Pavel Slamka, Mária Lenoráková, Ernestína Vadovičová (married Urban), Ivan Černý and others.
Swan's song on the domestic scene was the staging and performance of Julius Zayer's play "Raduz and Mahulien". We compare it to the swan song metaphorically because its light erupted at a time when the sun of amateur activities, as a typical rural phenomenon, was long past its zenith. The human sensibility was captivated by the modern media and intensively proclaimed the import of our mentality of a foreign culture. The old circle broke and the fashion waves did not create a new one. And yet it is said that while in other villages the lights above the stages were out, in Boleraz the curtain was still rising in front of the crowded viewpoint. The fact remained that the theater did not only have a social precedent here, but was the bearer of a strong ethical, aesthetic and educational charge. It has made a positive contribution to the cohesion of the whole community, she tirelessly pointed to the ideals of good and justice and thus addressed her humanly. In this position, it seems to us when we look back, in this position it is also seen and perceived by a tireless enthusiast, promoter, director and actor in one person, Viliam Hlbocký. He led enthusiasts willing to cooperate, even on the beaten path, to the top of the possible, which was never a misleading fiction, but a true fact. To this day, it illuminates the past with bright colors. The baton, which he took over in the mid-fifties, held firmly in his hands, saved him from the awkwardness of the moment, and, enriched with a hryvnia, handed over his personal deposit as a challenge for the future. The multi-generational cast he led never left the stage in front of a half-empty auditorium. She left in full light, in full luster, decorated with success, with her head held high, over which the triumphant applause of those to whom she gave joy had long echoed. And joy, subdued by fervent love, is one of the greatest miracles of human existence.
At the end of our talk about the theater, let's recall the swan song that local officials said goodbye to their supporters. It was a game in six images with a prologue. The author was Július Zayer and the name - Radúz and Mahuliena. Viliam Hlbocký entrusted one of the tasks to the extremely talented Alenka Autnerová. With this name of the representative, we must say with human participation and unfortunately even today that Alenka Autnerová , married to Dobošová, left this world forever on 20 May 1980 at the age of 22. Her place on the theaters can be replaced. Her place in the lives of loved ones will remain empty forever…

Our village


Meniny má Tim, Timmy, Timothy, Conan, Thora, Titus

Zajtra má meniny Emitt, Angela, Angelia, Angelica, Angelina, Angeline, Angie, Avery, Devon, Devota, Dexter, Emery, Mario, Marjorie, Emerson


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