Maximum temperature
2nd degree
Maximum air temperature in the range from (Temperature,> 35 ° C):
a) avoid staying in direct sunlight, especially at noon and in the afternoon,
b) do not leave children and animals in direct sunlight, even in stationary cars,
c) follow a drinking regime.
Grade 3
Long-term achievement of the maximum air temperature in the range from (Temperature,> 40 ° C):
a) avoid staying in direct sunlight, especially at noon and afternoon,
b) follow a drinking regime,
c) do not leave children and animals in direct sunlight , or in stationary cars,
d) when staying in direct sunlight, use protective equipment against direct sunlight
(headgear, protective creams, sunglasses, etc.).
Minimum temperature
2nd stage
Reaching the minimum air temperature (M2, <-20 ° C). Severe frost:
a) protect yourself with adequately warm clothing and footwear,
b) protect exposed body parts with a protective (greasy) cream,
c) take appropriate measures to protect crops from ground frosts.
3rd degree
Minimum air temperature (M3, <-30 ° C). Very severe frosts:
a) search for warm places (residential facilities) quickly,
b) take appropriate measures in the industry to protect against severe frosts (insulation…),
c) protect exposed body parts with a protective (greasy) cream.
2nd degree
Occurrence of strong wind, which reaches a short-term (in gusts) speed (V2, diameter> 20 m / s or gusts> 25 m / s):
a) do not stay on open surfaces,
b) do not stay in unstable obstacles,
c) close and secure windows and doors,
d) remove loose objects from the yard,
e) do not let children out,
f) provide pets,
g) do not park under trees and in poor buildings,
h) limit light vehicles and unladen trucks driving in open windy areas,
i) secure windows, greenhouses, loose objects, collect drying laundry,
j) reduce driving speed when driving a car.
3rd degree
Occurrence of extremely strong wind, which reaches a short-term (in gusts) speed (V3, diameter> 25 m / s or gusts> 35 m / s):
a) when not necessary, do not leave the house,
b) do not stay in open areas,
c) close and secure windows and doors,
d) keep children out,
e) do not drive light vehicles and unladen trucks on open windy areas,
f) secure cranes.
Snow tongues and snowdrifts
2nd degree
Intensive creation of snow tongues and snowdrifts:
a) equip the vehicle with winter technical means (winter tires, snow chains, tow rope, shovel, etc.),
b) secure with means of communication (mobile phone, PDA, radio etc.) in case of emergency.
3rd degree
Extremely intense formation of snow tongues and snowdrifts:
a) limit movement in the outdoor environment,
b) limit driving with a vehicle and other means.
2nd degree snowfall
Heavy snowfall where S2,> 20 cm of new snow falls in 12 hours:
a) in the mountains to follow and follow the instructions of the mountain service,
b) to equip the vehicle with appropriate technical means (winter tires, snow chains, tow rope, shovel and pod.),
c) in case of wet snow and strong wind, restrict movement in the forest and near power lines.
3rd degree
Extremely heavy snowfall in which S3,> 30 cm of new snow falls in 12 hours:
a) limit stay and movement (also by means of transport) outdoors.
2nd degree
Intensive ice formation:
a) to limit the stay and movement (even by means of transport) in the exterior,
b) to modify the surface of sidewalks so as to allow safe movement.
3rd degree
Extremely intense ice formation:
a) limit stay and movement also by means of transport outdoors,
b) modify the surface of sidewalks so that it allows safe movement.
2nd degree
Occurrence of severe storms associated with torrential rains with totals (BD2,> 30mm in 1 h) and wind gusts with speed (BV2,> 25m / s):
a) do not stay in open areas,
b) do not stay in unstable obstacles ,
c) close and secure windows and doors,
d) remove loose objects from the yards,
e) secure pets,
f) do not park under trees and in shabby buildings,
g) do not drive in open windy areas with light vehicles and unladen trucks,
h) in the open country during a storm, wait in a car or look for lower positions (beware of their possible flooding),
i) not to stay near high poles or tall trees, j) to leave water areas and areas near streams and rivers (even dry troughs).
Grade 3
Occurrence of extremely severe storms associated with total torrential rains (BD3, 40 mm per lh) and wind gusts with speed (BV3,> 35 m / s):
a) when you do not have to leave the house,
b) do not let children out ;
2nd degree
Occurrence of heavy rain with total precipitation (D2,> 50mm in 12 hours):
in case of critical lack of time:
Stop any activities and quickly go to a safe (hill, higher slope, etc.) or a predetermined place.
if you have enough time:
a) to switch off or close the main electricity, water and gas lines,
b) to move household equipment to higher floors,
c) to close and seal all windows and openings,
d) to prepare the vehicle in case it is necessary to leave the dwelling,
e ) to prepare medicines, documents, suitable clothing, durable food and drinking water for 2-3 days,
f) to take waterproof shoes and clothing,
g) remove substances that may cause a chemical reaction in contact with water (poisons, corrosives, acids, etc.),
h) inform their neighbors,
i) prepare the evacuation of animals,
j) prepare evacuation baggage,
k) leave water areas and areas near streams and rivers (even dry troughs).
3rd degree
Occurrence of heavy rain with total (D3,> 70mm in 12 hours):
a) follow the instructions of rescue services, local authorities and state administration, follow the instructions in the mass media,
b) leave water areas, and areas near streams and c) to remove substances that may cause a chemical reaction in contact with water ( poisons
, corrosives, acids, etc.),
d) close and seal all windows and openings,
e) switch off or close the mains, water and gas.
2nd degree
Occurrence of strong fog with visibility (H2, <100m):
If visibility does not allow to go faster than 20 km / h, and if it is not possible to recognize the edge of the road, park the vehicle. On the highways, look for the nearest rest area and wait for the fog to dissipate.
Level 3
Occurrence of extremely strong fog (H3, <50m):
Restrict driving for safety reasons.