Obec Boleráz

Monuments and landmarks


Parish Church of St. Michal Archangel in Boleráz
It was built after the demolition of the old church, which was no longer suitable. The sanctuary is oriented to the west. On the east side, the tower is topped by an octagonal tin pyramid with a Latin cross. The walls are plastered on the outside with white brizolite, and a sacristy is attached on the left side of the sanctuary. The square sanctuary is 6.7 meters deep and 6.5 meters wide. The ship is 15.6 m long and 9.5 m wide. The space under the choir measures 5.7 x 3.2 meters. The main altar, which represents the columnar Baroque architecture, is dominated by the statue of St. Michal Archangel killing a dragon. Under the statue, a tabernacle (sanctuary) protruding towards the shrine, carved out of soft wood, is decorated and gilded. Above the tabernacle is a platform for exposing the Altar Sacrament. They have statues of adoring angels on each side. Above the statue of the patron saint of the church is a carved canopy and on it an angel carrying a wooden cross. Between the two pairs of altarpieces are statues of archangels. In front of the main altar is the sacrificial table according to the liturgical regulations ordered by II. Vatican Council. Ceremonies are now being served on him. There is an erect cross in front of the sacrificial table. Next to the entrance to the sacristy there are bells with a ribbon on the wall. At the beginning of the Mass, they give a signal to the organist that the priest is entering and can start playing. On the left base of the triumphal arch (looking at the altar) is the pulpit, next to it a perpetual light hung on a metal console, on the right base of the arch is the altar of the Divine Heart. There are two neo-Gothic side altars in the church. The couple Terézia and Jozef Danišovičovci deserved their position. At the left wall of the nave is the altar of the Blessed Virgin Mary, at the right the altar of St. Joseph. The glazing of the windows is made of colored tables. The sanctuary is vaulted with a Czech pancake, the nave of two fields of the Prussian clam. The subtle paint is a combination of pale ocher and white. At the top of the triumphal arch is the Lamb of God (Agnus Dei). This drawing divides the white inscription:


Above the main entrance portal is the carved year of construction of the church - 1787. The ground floor of the tower, ie the space under the choir, has a staircase leading to the choir and a bell post on the right, and the Prison of Christ on the left. At the entrance, we see a marble plaque on the right with a legend: Out of love for Christ the King, František Spačinský and his wife, Filip Černý and his wife brought this sacrifice in 1929. There is a label on the organ with the inscription: OP 178 (EM. Š. PETR) PRAGUE PROFITS. The original owner was the priest Dr. Dobroslav Orel, who was deprived of his separated brothers (heretics). Alexander Danišovič brought him to Boleráz. Prof. Dan Danovovič (November 19, 1922) played prof. Dr. Eagle.
The wooden benches in the interior of the church were made in the 1930s by carpenter Michal Valášek and Martin Pincek, the confessional was made by Emil Černý during the work of the parish priest Ladislav Gálik, the paving in the nave was laid under the current dean-parish priest Dušan Jurák. Iron stairs to the choir and the construction of a window sill on the choir were made by Ján Janec. The wooden railing of the choir is the work of carpenter Šotník from Zavár. To the right of the main entrance rises a wooden mission cross.

The branch church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary in Klčovany
The church has the following internal dimensions: the trapezoidal sanctuary has a depth of 3.3 meters and a maximum width of 7.2 meters, the nave is 10.9 m long, 7.2 m wide, the tower space under the choir is 2.5 m wide and 7, 2 meters. The main altar is dominated by a statue of the Virgin Mary standing above the tabernacle. On each side of the statue is a lamp with eternal light and a kneeling statue of an angel. Under the statues of angels, there are three niches on each side of the sanctuary, where there are about 40 cm high wooden statues. Their placement when looking at the altar; left side - st. Štefan (dedicated by Štefan Minarovič), St. Pavlína (ven. Pavlína Zvončanová), vol. Gabriel Archangel (ven. Gabriel Holeksy). To the right of the tabernacle is this trinity: St. Vendelín (ven. Vendelín Šuran), vol. Cecilia (ven. Cecilia Minarovicova) and St. Ondrej (ven. Ondrej Hucovič). To the left of the altar is the tabernacle, on the right because of the balance of the new liturgical concept, the wooden cross. On the left base of the triumphal arch (at the interface of the vertical and the curvature) is the Divine Heart, on the right the statue of St. Vendelina. The left side of the ship is decorated with a statue of St. Francis and St. Terezka Ježišková, a real statue of Jesus, which believers brought from Poland (previously there was a statue of St. Anne). Above the main altar is a ceiling painting depicting the Nativity of the Virgin Mary. The decoration of the ceiling above the left half of the nave is completed by the image of the Apostles St. Peter and Paul and St. Maria Goretti, above the right is a painting depicting St. Dominica Saviu and the believers of St. Cyril and Methodius. The organ was bought for the church by Mária Minarovičová. There is a table on it with the inscription: Drevopodnik mesta Brna (Varhanaŕství l Brno Bohunice) Built 1980 Opus 59. One chalice of the church was donated by Silvester Lančarič and he also helped pay part of the overhead. The sacristy is built on the right side. Above the main entrance portal is carved the year of construction of the branch church - 1856. The roof of the nave is a burnt roof, the brick tower is finished with an octagonal pyramid; at the top is a poppy and a Latin cross. A major overhaul was done in 1927. The church received a new truss and roofing in 1971, a painting in 1972.


There are four bells in the tower of the parish church. On the south side there is a bell with a diameter of 63 cm (given diameters are always measured at the bottom, widest point) weighing 96 kg with the inscription:


The body of the bell in the upper third is decorated with ears of corn and vines. The bell was slightly damaged during casting and the inscription is difficult to read in places.
The bell located in the middle has a diameter of 88 cm and weighs about 420 kg.

It has the text: R. MAŇOUSEK A SPOL. BRNO.

The third bell located on the north side of the tower has a diameter of 47 cm and weighs about 48 kg. It has an inscription:


Under this trio of bells is located the fourth, smallest bell, the so-called umieráčik. It has a diameter of 37 cm and weighs about 38 kg. It has a bas-relief decoration depicting the Virgin Mary with Jesus and the text:


The first word in the second line has the letter N inverted.
In the seventies, the bells were driven electro-motor. Because this technical solution caused great shocks to the tower, it was converted to electromagnetic in the late eighties. The work was done by Jozef Fridrich.
Three bells are now hung in the bell tower of the branch church. Their modern history is interesting and that is why we will mention it briefly. At the beginning of World War I, there were two bells in the tower. However, the leadership of the war in Austria-Hungary was so exhausted that as a result of the non-ferrous metal deficit, it reached the church bells in the monarchy. In 1917, soldiers dropped a bell from the tower. In 1923, the faithful bought a bell, which has a diameter of 64 cm, a bas-relief decoration depicting the Virgin Mary and a three-line inscription:


There were two bells in the tower again. During the crossing of the front, Soviet soldiers hit the tower with a shot from the cannon. The tower burned and the bells fell on the attic. One of them (the smaller one) broke down and was taken to Trnava. The war ended and those who took part in it on various battlefields returned home. Izidor Lančarič, a native of Klčovian, was one of them. He saw the damaged church and feared for its future. The citizens built a new tower in the summer of 1945, but there was only one bell. Therefore, at the beginning of 1946, Mr. Lančarič ordered the production of new bells in Moravian Ostrava. The time was difficult because of the nationalization. However, the intention was realized. The customer paid 26,000 crowns for each bell and they were transported by rail to Klčovany.
The bells for the church led from the house of Ján and Oršula Lančaričcov (parents of the donor) in a cart pulled by oxen. The solemn ceremony was attended by Mons. Jozef Minárik, vicar general, a native of Klčovian, on May 19, 1946. The bells are steel without an inscription and still serve their purpose. The larger (located closer to the main road) has a diameter of 106 cm, smaller 90 centimeters. To complete the local history, it should be noted that the date of the ordination was not accidental. On that day, Izidor Lančarič from Klčovian and Mária, a native of Magyarová, commemorated the anniversary of their marriage.

Sculptures, sculptures, crosses

The custom of decorating the village streets mostly with sacred sculptures, statues and crosses has its roots in the ancient past. It is usually the fruit of votive promises, adoration, or the memory of a historical event, or giving thanks. They are usually supplemented by a period text, which reveals the name of the founder or the motivation for implementation. Boleraz is no exception in this regard. Therefore, we will briefly present the existing monuments of this kind today.

The main cross

It stands in the cemetery in Boleráza. On the stone pedestal erected a cross of the same material with the crucified Christ, below it in the middle a sculpture of the Virgin Mary. In the lower third the text:


Stone cross with the Passion
In the middle a statuette of the Virgin Mary. At the bottom of the legend:

ERECTA SUMTI FRANC JANATS COLONI BOLERÁZ 1806 (It was built by František Janáč a farmer from Boleráz 1806).

Cross secondarily located in front of house no. 573 (owner Ján Pinček). It originally stood on the site of today's municipal office.

Holy Passion
It stands west of the parish church, brick, square in plan, topped by a blunt pyramid covered with a tile. In the niche is a painted picture of St. Vendelin, hermit, patron of shepherds and cattle breeders.

Stone, sacral sculpture with the dominant of the Crucifixion
Above the head of Christ, the inscription INRI. Square base with an area where the Virgin Mary stands. On the pedestal facing north the text:


Around the cross is a welded low fence filled with mesh. Cross maintained, enclosure damaged. It stands behind the parish church., On the western edge of the village, where Kitt's road and the road leading to Políčko meet.

It stands in the shrubbery to the right of the path leading from the railway line to the Bank alone. The upper part of the cross is secondary from another material. The center is dominated by a bas-relief sculpture of the Virgin Mary with her arms crossed over her chest. On a pedestal, a white marble table bearing the words:

In honor and praise of God, this cross was built from America by MATEJ NEMČEK JOZEF NEMČEK MARTIN MACKOVČIN ŠTEFAN MACKOVČIN LP 1929.

Around the cross is a low, square plinth built into a square, into which an impressive wrought iron enclosure is embedded.

The cross
is situated on the border of the Boleráz factory on the road leading from the village to the railway station. On the erect cross, the body of the crucified Christ, the inscription INRI above. At the point where it opens into the pedestal, there is a statue of the Virgin Mary in the glazed niche. At the head of the square base towards the road are carved the words:

CHRIST Wins! Christ Reigns! By Manželov Vlkovič Franca and Magdaleni rod. Danish 1902.

Around the cross is the original low concrete plinth.

Sv. Róchus
A statue of a saint in a hat, in pilgrim clothing with a tanister, stands in front of house no. 447 (Ernestina Danisova). It is shown showing a plague on the left exposed thigh. At his feet sits a dog with bread in his lip. Róchus was a wealthy young man from the French city of Montpellier, who distributed his property to the poor and in 1317 traveled to Rome. On the way, he also treated the plague in Rome. On his way back, he contracted himself. He was treated in the woods, where he was cared for by an angel. The dog brought him food. On the pedestal of the statue in Boleráz is a cross on a white marble plaque and below it the following text:


Cast iron cross
with crucified Christ. Above the Savior's inscription INRI. Body body silver, cross body black paint. The cross is mounted in a pedestal of sandstone with a square floor plan. The text cannot be interpreted faithfully. It was built by Ján Špačinský in 1902. It stands in front of house no. 444 (Silvester Spacinsky).

A pedestal with a Divine Heart on an elevated decorative pinch of a rectangular cross-section terminated by a horizontal platform. On the left on the terrace of the basic platform, the statue of St. Joseph with the Baby Jesus in his arms. On the right, the statue of St. Anny's left hand hugs the little Virgin Mary, who has her hands clasped. In the upper half of the column is a white stone plaque with the text:

HOLY HEART JESUS, have mercy on us! Sv. JOZEFE Sv. ANNA pray for us! At the expense of JOZEF OSZTRADICKY ELDER. Inhabitant of Bélaházský 1912.

There is a low wrought iron enclosure around the sculpture. It is maintained and stands in front of house no. 405 (Viliam Vidasic).

A wooden cross with the crucified Christ stands in front of house no. 377 (František Daniš). At the bottom is a table with the following inscription:

In honor and praise of God MARTIN and MARIA CSAVARA 1890.

It stands on a graduated stone base of rectangular cross-section. The top is a Latin cross made of the same material with the crucified Christ. In the middle of the raised pedestal is a recessed area with the words:

KRIŽ KRISTOV budu salu salem A memorial from hard work from AMERICA 1932 ŠTEFAN JANÁČ.

Around the cross is a metal enclosure painted white. It stands in front of house no. 355 (Ľudovít Galgóci).

The cross
stands to the left of the entrance portal of the branch church in Klčovany, in front of house no. 343 (Emil Klementovič). Stone sacral sculpture with a pedestal with a statue of the Virgin Mary. A slender column of square cross-section opens into the pedestal. At its top is a cross with the Passion. Above the head of Christ the inscription INRI. Legend carved on the pedestal:

Foundation Vistavit Dali In Honor and Praise of God Štefan Vanák Also from The Wife of His Anna In 1861

Sv. Florián
Patrón of Austria and Poland. He is one of 14 helpers in an emergency, a patron against fire, drought and floods. During the persecution of Christians under Emperor Diocletian, he sided with them. He was sentenced to death, a millstone was tied down his neck and thrown from the bridge into the river. His body was guarded by an eagle until it was discovered and buried by his widow Valéria. He died around 304. The statue of the saint on a stone pedestal stands for house no. 220 (Šuranová family). Florian is depicted as a Roman officer in armor with a flag in his right hand. In the left he holds a pitcher from which he pours water on a burning house. On the pedestal is the text:

SV. FLORIANE WALK FOR US! The statue was erected in honor and praise of God by JÁN ŠURAN and his wife ANNA born CINTAVÝ in 1910.

The statue was made by the stonemason Štábla from Hodonín. Around it is an aesthetically fine wrought iron enclosure.

The cross

Secondary stone cross in front of house no. 230 (Izakovičová family). He was originally closer to the house. Relocated due to the widening of the road in front of the street. On a stone pedestal of a square cross-section, where there is a statue of the Virgin Mary. Behind her back is a square pillar, on which today is only the torso of the cross (when viewed from the front we see the missing left and upper arm). The words are engraved on the pedestal:


The cross
stands in the cemetery in Klčovany. The design represents the late Baroque. On the pedestal of the pedestal is a statue of the Virgin Mary with a sword thrust into her heart. The Savior crucified on a raised square cross-section, above him the abbreviation of Pilate's inscription - INRI. On the front of the pedestal (facing the main road) Latin text, which can no longer be faithfully reproduced. On the other hand, an incoherent legend in Slovak. Letters damaged, link incomprehensible. A cross built around the middle of the 19th century.

There are also monuments to those killed in the world wars. We should also mention the picture of the Virgin Mary placed in a metal niche attached to a vertical concrete chip. The place lies to the left of the field road leading from the railway station to the cooperative vineyards at the Bank and the alleged apparition is connected to it.

Our village


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