Obec Boleráz

Srnka Hunting Association

Association management

Chairman: Cyprián Hubinský
Secretary: Igor Ulman Dr.
Vice-chairman: Jaromír Valentovič
hunting manager: Gabriel Other
financial manager: Stanislav Hubinsky
cynologist: Roman Lančarič
shooting officer: Marián Indrišek

Hunting Association Srnka Boleráz currently has 30 members exercising their right on an area of ​​2,223 hectares, of which 386 hectares are forest land. Among the game animals in the district there are: pheasant, field partridge, field quail, wild duck (and related species), wild goose, mountain snipe (hunting during migration), hare, roe deer, wild boar, rock and forest marten, fox, badger, etc. During the marches, the members of the association will also meet muskrat, tchormi, wood pigeon, weasel, ermine weasel, ravens, mountain mouse, hawk, sparrowhawk, barn owl, magpies and other hunting species. In addition to hunting, hunters also focus on the tasks of planned breeding, breeding and protection, the aim of which is to maintain standardized stocks, good health and the trophy value of game. The significant overgrowth of the common fox was also reflected in its liquidation. At that time we have 18 usable dogs (builders, thugs, dyes and terriers), whose breeding is financially supported by our PZ. E. Polakovič, D. Urban, Peter Danišovič, Roman Lančarič, Gabo Ostatník and Igor Ulman have achieved excellent results in the last 10 years. In the winter months, hunters intensively feed the game with core and bulk feed. They get it as reciprocity for part-time work and also from their field, which is annually planted with cultures suitable for game. The activities of the association are also illustrated by the protection and respect for living and non-living nature. The hunting association regularly cooperates with the Municipal Office at cultural and social events, such as. Burial of bass, Juniáles, etc. In r. 2020, in cooperation with RGT, organizes for the third time a breeding exhibition of caught trophies, where all types of ratite game caught in 2019 and 2020 are presented. This line-up has been working successfully for 21 years, so this is probably the right direction we will continue to take.

Short history
Man is closely connected with hunting, that is, hunting game. According to the land register, the subjects usually took part in the hunt, and only when the manor needed it, and also in the role of hunters and carriers of the shot game. Before and after the First World War, the right to hunt belonged to the municipalities that rented it for a period of 6 years, mostly to the one who offered the highest financial amount on public bidding. The landlord had to perform it according to Act. number XX from 1883, from which we select: “only year-on-year growing juveniles could be hunted, the stock numbers of game were not allowed to decrease. Only a rifle could be hunted and catching live game was prohibited. If the lessor was guilty of this, he paid a twenty-fold fine of its normal price for each piece of "captured game". Of this money, 4/5 went to the good municipal base for the poor and 1/5 to the whistleblower. The contract was also threatened with termination. Only rabbits could hunt on rabbits and partridges. It was not allowed from the car, the sleigh and the horse. If freezing rain fell, or as a result of heavy snowfall, the area was all white, there was a ban on hunting on partridges. If the landlord violated this provision, he paid 50 times the price of the partridge, of which 4/5 again went to the base for the poor and 1/5 to the notifier. During the harsh winters, the landlord had to feed the game. If he neglected it, the general board took care of the beast and charged him the costs. Within a year, "the big hunt was allowed to hold only one." The landlord was obliged to plunder harmful animals, stray dogs, cats and rabbits. However, he was not allowed to shoot dogs that did not roam, but were at the farms' threshing floor. It was also possible to hunt with the help of a dog and it was forbidden to shoot drops. There was no watering in the vineyards. " In the first post-war years, hunters began to associate and the so-called folk hunting. In 1947, there were 7 hunters in Boleráz and 8 hunters in the following. Later, they founded a proper association. At the end of the sixties, Fridrich Polakovič headed it. Among the older hunters we can mention: Michal Nemeck, Imrich Krištofík, Jozef Kráľovič, Alexandr Miklošovič, Alojz Kormúth, Július Miškovič, Štefan Holický, Rudolf Adamec, Rehor Německ, Jozef Lovecký, Ján Černý, Alexandr Miklošovič and the Brothers Later, they founded a proper association. At the end of the sixties, Fridrich Polakovič headed it. Among the older hunters we can mention: Michal Nemeck, Imrich Krištofík, Jozef Kráľovič, Alexandr Miklošovič, Alojz Kormúth, Július Miškovič, Štefan Holický, Rudolf Adamec, Rehor Německ, Jozef Lovecký, Ján Černý, Alexandr Miklošovič and the Brothers Later, they founded a proper association. At the end of the sixties, Fridrich Polakovič headed it. Among the older hunters we can mention: Michal Nemeck, Imrich Krištofík, Jozef Kráľovič, Alexandr Miklošovič, Alojz Kormúth, Július Miškovič, Štefan Holický, Rudolf Adamec, Rehor Německ, Jozef Lovecký, Ján Černý, Alexandr Miklošovič and the Brothers

Our village


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Friday 21. 2. scattered clouds 4/-5 °C
Saturday 22. 2. sky is clear 5/-3 °C

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